Postnatal care for Sussex parents: growing families and first timers
The Postnatal Period (fourth trimester)
Everything leads up to the big day - the day your baby is born - but somewhere along the way, we've forgotten about the days, weeks and months afterwards. The baby comes, visitors flood in and they all want to hold the baby, but what about you?
I want your postnatal period to be valued. I want you to know that it’s ok to prioritise looking after yourselves as parents. Postnatal support shouldn't be a luxury – it was the norm here not so long ago. Across the rest of the world birthing people are revered, waited on and cocooned for the first month at least, with one sole purpose: bond with their baby. They’re brought nutrient-rich foods, kept warm and someone else takes on all the household duties.
Parenthood can bring up feelings you never expected, both positive and negative. A postnatal doula can help you navigate that time and help you acknowledge your baby's incredible journey from womb to world.
Living in the modern world is intense, but if we can slow down and surrender to these early weeks and months (when we might not be as productive or as ‘busy’ as usual), there can be real benefits both physically and mentally.

Why I'm a Postnatal Doula
I was very fortunate to have the love and practical support of my family when my boys were born. They brought homecooked food, took the baby so we could nap, hung out the washing. Although they didn’t live nearby, they visited as often as they could. But even with that support, I remember feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, even lonely, and feeding my first born was much harder than I'd ever anticipated.
I want to give you the chance to enjoy your fourth trimester. I'll be there as an extra pair of hands and a neutral sounding board for anything you like. I believe in a holistic approach; caring for your mind, body, heart and home. It’s OK to ask for help and support because the more supported you are, the better that'll be for your whole family.
I chose to train as a postnatal doula because I believe this time in our lives deserves more care and attention. I trained with Younique Postnatal in 2020, a year in which the world felt so negative in so many ways. Becoming a doula feels like an opportunity to give others a positive start to parenthood and life on this mad planet!

How I can help
Please get in touch so we can chat about how what you need most during this amazing period of transition, whether it's your first time or not. Every family is different so I will tailor my support to fit with your needs.
I'll come to your home and there is no need for you to get dressed or even out of bed before I arrive - I'll find you as you are.
My hourly rate is £20. Or I offer a package of 15 hours for £280. A session with me is usually between 3 and 5 hours.
I also offer a 2-hour postnatal planning session which can be booked as part of a doula support package, or on it's own.
Practical support
Support you in your feeding choices and troubleshoot any issues
Cuddle baby so you can sleep or bathe
​Prepare meals and snacks to replenish and heal you, and nourish the whole family
Help around the home including light housework
Helping look after siblings
Give you some ideas and time for self care which optimise healing and recovery
Emotional support
Provide a safe space for you to debrief your birth, when and if you want to
Be a listening ear for any worries or anxieties
Celebrate the highs of new parenthood as well as figuring out the lows
Give you the confidence to trust your instincts and make the decisions which are best for your family
Informational support
Share my directory of local services and contacts (from specialists and therapists to baby groups and more)
Attending appointments with you
Provide evidence-based information at your request

About me
I live with my 2 children and husband in Lindfield, West Sussex. After 15 years of city life in Brighton and London, rural life was calling.
When I’m not on my knees searching for that crucial missing Lego piece, you’ll find me outdoors; birdwatching or trying to grow something new. Indoors, I'm into cooking and films, and I enjoy a good charity shop rummage.
I trained as a doula with Younique Postnatal in 2020.
Additional training includes:
Getting ready to breastfeed (Association of Breastfeeding Mothers)
Preventing reflux (Younique)
Postnatal Planning (Younique)
Intuitive Breast and Chest Feeding (Younique)
Daisy First Aid training
Becky was such an amazing presence, really calming and full of empathy. Her ability to listen, without prejudice or making me feel rushed truly helped me more than anything and made all the difference to my recovery.
Jess Rubano
Becky is the perfect balance of really caring and supportive without ever stepping on your toes. She has a wealth of great information, which she shares in a way to help you feel supported but not undermined. She has a calm and positive attitude which is a ray of sunshine.
Antony and Becky Groves
Becky is one of the most gentle, sincere people I know. She is a brilliant listener and has a naturally calming presence. She is a natural Mother, giving her two young boys a wholesome upbringing and outlook on life. She would be a perfect addition to anybody’s family home.